Although the originator of Soul Realignment ® clearing does not believe in psychotherapeutic astrology, I obviously do. I love working with clients who wish to transform spiritually, mentally, physically, creatively and psychologically, through a variety of mediums, to find and walk their special path on Earth in this incarnation.  Luckily though I am, as a Soul Realignment ® practitioner, required to obtain our client’s birth data and their present geographical address to firstly find their Akashic Records and secondly to do a property clearing which we give as a free service after their healings.

The Akashic records are a collection of all of the thoughts, events, knowledge, and ideas that mankind has had since mankind’s belief in the beginning of space and time. They are held in the fifth dimension, which is a dimension that most people on Earth cannot access unless they are mediums or clairvoyant. Our Akashic Records are also known as our Book of Life.  The Akashic records are totally objective and unbiased. They are not judgemental or moralising because they a pure record of all that a being has done and spoken. They do hold allrecords of our karma and choices which adhere to or deviate from our original Divine Blueprint. 

Our horoscope does record the karma which we chose to work with in this lifetime. In the Bardo or Life Between Lives before we incarnate on Earth, we, as a soul, choose to work on specific areas to evolve and grow.


When I work with the soul, I particularly look at natal or transiting Pluto and or the natal Lunar Nodes squaring a planet or luminary. Today I will just look at the nodal axis and any squares to it.

The woman who owns this chart has been my client on and off for the last  thirty years. Sometimes there has been a decade of time gap between our discussions and healings. Sometimes she will return after three months. I included my client, Karly, in all the soul realignment ® healings when I began this course in December 2022 and when she needed to speak to me.  In this time I performed past life healing which connected to her horoscope; we interacted with psychotherapeutic cognitive behavioural work and we discussed the transits she had at the time of her visit.

Her natal Pluto conjunct her midheaven, is the apex of a yod where Pluto quincunxes her Mars in Pisces in her 5th house and her Chiron in Capricorn.   Her Chiron is in her third house of her siblings and her Mars in in the 5th house of her children. Pluto is in the tenth house of her career.  But today we will not discuss Pluto area.   I will write an article on this soon and the soul realignment healings I have done for her recently.

In this present Starcounsell article I discuss Karly’s  Lunar Nodal Axis in Cancer which squares her Moon and we will also discuss a soul realignment healing to her Libra Moon and one to her South Node in Cancer.


As a generalisation we can surmise that the Moon squaring the Lunar Nodes suggests unanswered matters that relate to the family of derivation, the formation of the ego, the creation of the personality and matters that relate to the emotional body. There are sure to be unsettled issues with the mother or primary caregiver. The Moon squaring the Cancer nodal axis reveals a double whammy of insecurity in the personality and a need to seek security within the family or substantial others such as best friends, husbands, mentors or teachers.   With the South Node in Cancer alone the attempt to develop a secure personality and secure personal reality that has been disillusioned during childhood. The family of origin or the caregiver of a person with their Moon squaring their lunar nodal axis may have been emotionally insufficient to prepare this person, when they were a child, with the necessary tools to have successful adult relationships. And any repetitive failures or Groundhog Day relationships in this person’s life are the result of unconscious patterns they learned from the parental relationship(s). Thus the people Karly attracts will act just as her parents did. 

The lunar node axis, especially the south node always reveals habitual behaviours both in past lives and the present life.  Any planet that squares the nodal axis shows past lives that have not healed  and the problem revealed by the south node. My client’s south lunar node is situated in the 8th house of ancestors, mysticism, spiritual and psychological transformative growth and psychology.

With a South Node in the 8th house, we must husband our current resources, practise wide-ranging financial management, and depend on others as well as repair a fragmented sense of self-worth. With this position there is a constant feeling of the carpet being pulled from under your feet, therefore you must be single-minded about centering on the ground beneath your feet, so that traumatic events like parental divorce, sadistic caregivers, treachery in the family, and separation from one or both parents, as well as the loss of any other external supports, will not weaken your tenacity. To achieve a 2nd house- Taurean-level sense of peace we must go through a detoxification and transformative process and put down deep roots for the North Node in the second house to ensure growth (the 8th house) and grounding for the regeneration of your present life soul. (2nd house).”

 A Moon squaring a Cancer South Node always shows family and ancestral dysfunction especially on the maternal side.  It also will show anxiety and excessive emotion.  If one uses Soul Realignment ® healing here one can also ascertain a specific emotion that has formed a dysfunctional program in that chakra. Clearly here the program is confusion from family manipulation in the fourth  (heart) chakra of emotionally abusive relationships and co-dependency.

Karly had her Moon in the 11th house in Libra which suggests that her mother loved beauty, harmony and her friends. This placement also reveals a mother who was a humanitarian and whose family had ancestrally been humanitarian and who were very sociable. Karly’s parents had marital problems from when Karly was five and they separated when she was eight, with custody cases until she was fourteen. She was essentially bought up by a sadistic nanny, later stepmother from age eight to age seventeen so she was traumatised, but she never revealed this. She had a beneficial influence from their mother in some ways, but she had a changeable and unstable social life. Karly’s mother was her friend from when she was eighteen until she was forty-five, but in the last fifteen years of her mother’s life Karly’s manipulative sister completely dominated and destroyed her mother.

I wish to return to the fact that Karly had a Libra Moon and her Moon’s ruler, Venus sat on her ascendant. This suggests a person who lacked assertion. Esoteric Astrologer Ingrid Naimain says this about Venus:

Venus  craves ease and will go way out of her way to please in order to maintain the semblance of peace. In seeking the easy way out, Venus may forfeit truth. I have sometimes asked clients if they feel they have a greater capacity to endure injustice than the person(s) they describe as selfish or demanding. In some instances, these people are so proud of their equanimity that they do not see its downside. I have therefore used some fairly strong terms to describe Venus: the geisha, the doormat, the wimp.”

I am going to add a great hunk of Ingrid Naimain’s findings about people with strong Pisces, Virgo , or Sagittarius. As an academic this hunk of material makes me wince, but it is necessary to prove my point about firstly Karly’s lack of worldliness and secondly her lack of strong martial capabilities and sublimating her anger when she was bullied.  So, if you look back at Karly’s horoscope she has a Virgo Midheaven, a Sagittarius Ascendant  and a Mars in Pisces.    So as Ingrid Naimain asserts Karly has a strong past life tendency to be a wimp or a victim, rather than a gladiator or a warrior. Therefore to evolve she must learn to stand up for herself and rid herself of her predator family. Of Karly’s past lives I have witnessed most have been lives as nuns and priestesses.

This is what Ingrid states:

Since the opening of my clinic, I witnessed a virtual epidemic of what I have nicknamed the “Monastic Moon”. These are people with Moons in Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces who have spent many lifetimes in monasteries, nunneries, convents, sanctuaries, and similar places. What do you learn as a monk or a nun? You learn scriptures, meditation, contemplation, reflection, prayer, and perhaps music, languages, and medicine. When you take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, one lifetime after another, you find out very little about diaper changes in the middle of the night, nitty-gritty domestic issues that often turn mountains into molehills; and, of course, you are apt to hold very mixed feelings about sex and money (things better learned on the Taurus-Scorpio axis). Also, due to the alleged sacrifice of self to your beliefs, you are apt to believe that you are of very little consequence, that you have no real self, and certainly that you have no right to assert that self. This often leaves a great void where Mars energies are concerned. People of the cloth do not learn to use Mars and often do not readily recognize Mars behaviours in others. They have blinders where others are assertive, self-interested, predatory, etc. This is not to say that all Mars types are selfish, but rather that when someone is weak in the warrior department, he or she is unlikely to attract the impeccable, chivalrous knight who is endowed with courage and decisiveness.

In soul realignment® healings and clearings I find vows made by nuns, priestesses, monks and priests the most damaging to their spiritual, mental, and physical states.

The Moon in the 11th house suggests an emotional need for a sense of belongingness and support from friends and groups. She loved being part of groups. Karly is very open-minded and tolerant. Therefore, with her Moon in the eleventh house she is unaware of the colour of someone’s skin, their religion or their gender. She has no prejudices, the only thing that matters here are similar goals and values. She is a great organiser with a talent for bringing people together, she puts lots of effort and energy into the groups where you are a member. Networking comes natural to Karly. She always has been a compassionate and highly intuitive individual who is involved in humanitarian causes. Karly has also found financial and professional gains from friends, groups, and organizations.

Karly’s paternal grandparents, teachers and mentors were her true friends. Her eleventh-house friendships were people who shared her interests (university study, psychology, Aboriginal culture, spirituality and healing) and these narrow interests meant that it was difficult for her to find friends. She didn’t drink alcohol, smoke or gossip so she did not relate to seventy percent of the general population.  On Facebook Karly enjoyed communicating with others about her mutual interests, but her relationships were based on intellectual connections rather than on emotional and these were not face to face relationships. Her communication seemed to focus on “deep and meaningful” in depth topics rather that light hearted areas and she did not appreciate the practical things her husband had done for her until she was divorced and living on her own. With her Moon in Libra (ruled by Venus which was on her Ascendant) trining her Mercury in Aquarius she wanted to hear loving words and with weak earth in her horoscope she overlooked the fact that the practical actions her husband made.

Karly’s health problems were also linked to her stomach and nervous system, as a result of the anxiety she had experienced since the first physically and verbally abusive nanny had become her “caregiver” when she was four years of age.  Her mother gradually lost all positive power over Karly from the age of six to age eight when the abusive and dangerous “nanny” gained total power in the household and power over her father. Her father never intervened to save Karlya from the horrific beatings and verbal abuse which was equivalent to torture.Her father must have known. Only Karly’s paternal grandfather intervened and told the “nanny”, “I have informed the local police of the beatings you subject my grand-daughter to. I have seen her bruises and lacerations. I have told the police that you are insane and need to be removed. I have also witnessed the kindly false façade that you put up, but I am not fooled.” Karly’s grandfather had been an army commander and was not fooled by criminals.  Unfortunately, he died soon after. Karly always wondered if the “nanny” poisoned him.   

I used some cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) which are types of psychotherapeutic treatment that help people learn how to identify and change the destructive or disturbing thought patterns that have a negative influence on their behaviour and emotions. Cognitive behavioural therapy combines cognitive therapy with behaviour therapy by identifying maladaptive patterns of thinking, emotional responses, or behaviours and replacing them with more desirable behaviours. CBT focuses on changing the automatic negative thoughts that can contribute to and worsen our emotional difficulties, depression, and anxiety. These spontaneous negative thoughts also have a detrimental influence on our mood. Through CBT, faulty thoughts are identified, challenged, and replaced with more objective, realistic thoughts. Via cognitive behavioural therapy I worked on restoring Karly’s self-esteem and self-assertion. Some of the most popular techniques used in CBT are goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-limited; Journaling; Self-talk; Cognitive restructuring; Thought recording; Positive activities; and Situation exposure. …

I chose to focus on an eclectic (broad-based or heterogenous) blend:

  • attachment theory (particularly disorganised attachment),
  • positive activities,
  • thought recording
  • thought stopping,
  • cognitive distortions in cognitive behavioural therapy,
  •  life patterns.
  • Cognitive restructuring,
  • Self-talk, diarising
  • And recognising and stopping being gaslighted.  

While Karly was so intellectually brilliant, but she never, except for her paternal grandmother  and grandmother had stable emotional, unconditional love. Her mother found it hard, actually almost impossible to show touchy, feely love. Because of this lack of true love growing up Karly hid behind her workaholism.  She was a psychotherapist- healer and teacher who spent a great deal of  her time with clients or teaching. 

Once Karly admitted to this, I exposed the fact that she had been systematically gaslighted by sociopaths for years. Gaslighting is common gaslighting tactic is to diminish a person’s feelings of anger, discomfort, and dissatisfaction in both social and professional environments. Karly had been gaslighted since she was eight years old by first her nanny and also by her manipulative sister. And the gaslighting by her sister has only just stopped after sixty years. Gaslighting is generally a manipulative technique used by sociopaths to make their target easy to seduce into giving away their finances. It is essentially psychological torture or brainwashing to break people.

These are some of the behaviours which indicate a person has been gaslighted:

  • Being told you are too sensitive which means the gas lighter has shamed you.
  • Always apologizing which indicates that the client has been in situations of psychological manipulation and emotional abuse, where they feel like they need to apologize to avoid a blow-up or more violent repercussions for their actions.
  • Being told you are overreacting is a form of manipulation to marginalise and oppress people to make them submissive.
  • Becoming more indecisive because sociopaths need to control you and remove your free will you in order for you to become dependent on others for your own livelihood, happiness, and mental health. Continual undermining makes standing up for yourself very hard.
  • You feel that you lacking psychological safety
  • Not trusting your instincts and not trusting. In Kayla’s case her sister had been encouraged to “tell on her” (or report her for infringements) by the sadist nanny, who became her stepmother, which is a well-known tactic in the prison system. But “telling on someone or punishing them through tantrums or terror tactics, encourages the “tell-tale tits” to lie and make up stories so that the target who would be put in solitary confinement or beaten or deprived of food.  From age 8 when the nanny   gained total power over Kayla, Kayla tiptoed around every word and action when her sister was around because until age 18 when Kayla married, she would be beaten or punished by untrue stories that were relayed to their father. Eventually Kayla’s father gave the lying sister property, houses and money for being a good girl. Kayla became the bad girl and was given nothing.
  • Suffering from low self-esteem. If someone repeatedly tells you that you’re bad in certain areas so you begin to believe them. This impacts the way you see, carry, and treat yourself, leading to a loss in your confidence. By improving your self-talk, repeating affirmative mantras, and engaging in activities you love in order to boost your confidence, you can start standing up to those who are quick to judge, criticize, and condemn.
  • Second-guessing yourself. This happens if you’ve been emotionally abused and manipulated into questioning your own self-worth and value and you find it difficult to trust your own knowledge, beliefs and reality.
  • Becoming a people pleaser. This generally happens because of the psychological manipulation they have experienced in the past.
  • Resorting to lying will occur if telling the truth means physical or psychological punishment. People lie to avoid negative reactions, toxic behaviour, or unwanted comments from others. As a teacher of many years one of the easiest ways to tell if a child’s home is dangerous is if they lie continually.
  • Questioning your own sanity. Kayla’s sister constantly belittled her and told her she made things up. Constant gaslighting causes long-term effects, which include “trauma, anxiety, and depression.” Acts of self-care include trusting our own judgments, believing in ourselves, and giving credit to our own instincts. No one knows you better than yourself.
  • Being told you are nagging or shouting. When Kayla’s sister was in a bad mood, she would start screaming that Kayla was nagging her or shouting at her.  She would throw a massive tantrum. This meant she refused to listen to Kayla, but most of all because Kayla was a gentle person it terrified Kayla.
  • Having your words and feelings trivialized. This demeaning behaviour makes people feel small and unimportant.
  • Experiencing conditional love. If you grew up in a family or with people where you felt like there were terms and conditions on the amount of love you were given, this would have had a horrible effect on your life. “When someone truly loves you, they love you for who you are, not for what you do,” according to an anxiety expert. Love is not conditional on behaviour.
  • Feeling guilty, ashamed and small because people you have loved or been dependent on have made you feel so tiny and insignificant that you want to curl up in a ball and stay there, then you need to ask yourself when and why you chose to give them this much power over your life.

It took me years and years of cognitive behavioural work to find out her dysfunctional habitual behavioural patterns, because Karly had to learn to trust me. Secondly, she kept going back to see her sister year after year when her sister would metaphorically kick her in the face, steal her money, make a fool of her, play her parents against her and play Karla’s children against her. So regardless of her friends she was emotionally vulnerable.  But up until she was in her mid-sixties it did not occur to Karly how destructive her sister was.

It did occur to me that the very intellectual, “stiff upper lip” atmosphere in her upbringing was one she admired rather than her sister’s rampant emotional behaviour.  Karly despised her sister’s tantrums and her sister’s drunken husband’s tantrums as being suggestive of out of control, animal-like behaviour. Inwardly she despised them, but as her parents were dead, she hung onto her sister as some sort of relic from her childhood. This belief was not only Utopian, but totally foolish as her sister and her sieter’s husband’s behaviour was insane and criminal. In fact, as a lawyer, her sister was completely unethical. I talked to Karla about this just a few days ago and she finally agreed that I was right and she now would have nothing more to do with them.   

 But she also suggested something else. Karly looked me in the eye and said with great force and anger, “My Nanny-stepmother literally hypnotised me, maybe brainwashed me, anything you want to call it, to keep returning her. She was a sadist, like my daughter and my sister.”

I thought, “Thank goodness. She finally is breaking through and she is finally taking control of her life.”

And in regard to the cognitive behavioural therapy, I admit that the gradual spiritual healing that I did for her (shamanic soul recoveries, holographic kinetic healing, theta healing and soul realignment techniques) were more effective and they were permanent. But the CBT work at least reveals specific problems in the way Karly thought and reacted and the years I spent with her helped me understand her and open the door to her trust. And it is understandable that trust was one of her problems.


What I found after I had performed all twenty healings on Karly is that her emotional intelligence had risen vastly. If we look at Gardener’s theory of multiple intelligences, I found that intrapersonal intelligence in all my clients rises at an amazing rate.  Intrapersonal intelligence is the capacity to form an accurate, vertical model of oneself and to be able to use that model to operate effectively in life.  In an ordinary man’s terminology intrapersonal intelligence is one example of developmental psychologist Howard Gardner’s nine multiple intelligences. It explores how skilful people are at understanding themselves. Individuals who excel in this intelligence typically are introspective and can use this knowledge to solve personal problems.

The two healings focused on the client’s need to have a firm intention to move away from her past life tendencies. These two healings were on the 11th  and12th of April, 2023.


I have been able to geographically remotely heal past lives and present lives, via shamanic healing and holographic healing since the early 2000s. This means I do not need my client to be physically present with me. To access their Akashic Records all I need is their birth data and place of birth, plus their current address. My soul realignment ® knowledge now finesses all my previous knowledge and now brings about twenty more specific nuances to this knowledge, some of which you may note in the two healings below. 

HEALING ONE was to remove the skipped step lifetime which has caused unresolved family problems with Karly’s   childhood family, with the formation of her personality, with her emotional body and with her primary caregiver. I have a firm intention to destroy all the negative karma from this lifetime that has caused many of Karly’s present incarnation problems.

The lifetime and background

I go back sixteen lifetimes and I am told it is the time of the Black Death Plague of the 1300s that killed 25 million people in Europe. There is a great need for workers.

I see a very old woman. Her expression and behaviour show me that she is evil.  She has children of all ages and sizes around her. They are all healthy. I am told she owns them all. It is a life of hell and total unpredictability for these children.

The old woman buys children and babies from families who do not want them. The old woman kills and cooks the children who are cripples or are not strong and sells the meat and bones.

I ask, “Is the old woman in this past life Karly’s nanny-stepmother who was her primary caregiver from age eight to eighteen?”

I am told, “Yes.” 

The old woman sells the attractive healthy children and teenagers.

The old woman sells Karly when she is around sixteen (which is the age her present life stepmother had her sent to a boarding school when the insane nuns made the student’s life hell on earth. When Karly came home, she was told that “This is no longer your home. Go away.”) Karly is sold to a handsome wealthy man who wants a pretty but brainless wife.

Karly ran away after a few months, but she was caught. As she was just a possessyon; a slave; she was put in prison and hung.

The healing of this lifetime that has leaked into the present Cancer Lunar Node square Moon in Libra (9 degree) lifetime.

  • We find that Karly has not just suffered one piece of her soul being lost; her whole soul has fragmented. She has totally disassociated and fragmented. Her Divine Blueprint soul is in fragments. We get help from positive spirit beings to gather all her soul fragments and we restore she divinely created soul.
  • We give the client a high vibrational soul restoration video to watch and listen to for the next three months;
  • We also give Karly a special prayer to be said to aid her healing. We ask her to say this for the next three months. Three months is the length of time in which the brain and nervous system needs to restore healthy neuroplasticity.
  • We repair and restore the divinely made protective shield;
  • We repair and restore the divinely made skin around Karly that allows her to converse with the Divine;
  • Karly’s Divine Blueprint is restored and reinstalled;
  • We repair her link to her positive star system where she was raised and loved originally;
  • We delete with cosmic fire the negative star system beings who were all around the “very old woman” and who caused Karly’s death in that life;
  • We repair and restore and reinstall her Divine energy centres;
  •  We destroy the belief that Karly believes: “No one will ever want me as I really am or truly love me for just me, not the way I look”;
  • We destroy with the violet flame, the vow that Karly screams as she dies,” No one will ever own me.” And we delete the doorway to this time;
  • We also destroy the negative intention that Karly’s biological parents yell when the old woman gains ownership of her, “We hope this child rots in hell.” I rescind this vow and delete the doorway from the lunar lifetime to the present;
  • We destroy the constraint that is made by Karly’s parents they sell her, to surrender her free will.”
  • We destroy the bargain that the old woman and Karly’s biological parents made, so the old woman bought her soul.”
  • We bring all the ghosts of the children the old woman killed, together so their loved ones can take them to the Light;
  • We destroy the doorway to this lifetime;
  • We delete all the negativity in the whole lifetime and replace it with a lifetime of joy and love.  


I fully expected a doom and gloom  but this lifetime ended happily ever after.

Most of us who are  long time healers, teachers and therapists, who work with compassion and empathy, are of the Light. In the world of Soul Realignment ® Therapy this means we have come originally  from a positive star system. In Karly’s  her the original past life,  her point  of soul origin was also a star in the Orion constellation.  Those of us who came from this star are kind-hearted, we never lie or hurt others. We are very Libran Moon-South Node Cancer in nature.     Karly is like this. Her major guide and mentor is from  my star, but  I was still surprised to be told that a group of Elders from my star system had intervened in Karly’s Cancer South Node past life. I was told it  was because she had finally made the very important decision to stop going back to her negative Cancer South Node origins and her manipulative family.

This is what I saw.

This lifetime was 460 lifetimes ago which is about 18,000 years ago.

I see  lots of happy children playing on bare earth. This seems to be  just a façade; an illusion.  Most of the children are hidden in catacomb-like caves. It is in ancient Mesopotamia. There has been an earthquake and many, many people have been killed. The children escape and run into the forests to live with the bears and hermits. Most of the children are so grateful to  be alive.  But some are psychologically scarred and have turned into predators.

Something happens here- a flash for just a few seconds and the sky changes completely.  

A child has been completely isolated for years; a child who shines. It is Karly. She is a medium.  She lives with the bears.  She has gradually learned to trust people especially the old women. She becomes an aggravator and she constantly pushes for reform in the small community. One day her biological parents appear; old, but different; rejuvenated.  They live with the Elders now. Karly becomes a leader and learns to be independent fight for herself via her athletic ability and her outstanding communication.  

I am told that the flash of light in the sky was  some Mintakan beings have healed Karly and there is no healing needed.

The interesting thing about the 5-6 degrees Cancer Sabian Symbol is that it is a transition symbol. This is what the “Mindfire” astrology website says: is that its archetype is GAME BIRDS FEATHERING THEIR NESTS and its keynote is an instinctual dedication of self to new forms of life. Mindfire maintains that the “game birds” symbolise spiritual forces (birds) placed within a social context. As in the symbol for Cancer 1° we see here the beginning of a process; action is definitely oriented toward the future. A new wave of life is starting and a concrete preparation is made for it. At a social level, we can speak of the pioneering efforts dedicated to the building of a new culture, new institutions. This reveals a preparation for rebirth, and a higher level of consciousness. The second half of the cycle (the first degree of Libra, for instance) is implied, just as the entire social process is implied in the formalism of the marriage ceremony. An appropriate key would be symbiosis i.e. a deep unconscious cooperation between different levels of existence, the “animal” or bird level producing lives to feed the “human.”


It seems that Karly’s transformation was very quick once we used Soul Realignment ® healing, but the years of gradual psychotherapy and shamanic healing were part of a slow growth process at first.

I do hope that you join me for some Soul Realignment ® healing.


Bowlby, John Attachment and Loss; Volume three.

Gardener, Howard & Hatch, Thomas, “Multiple Intelligences Go to School,” Educational Researcher 18, 8 (1989).

Goleman, Daniel (1996). Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. Bloomsbury: London. 

Harney, Elizabeth (2022) Ten Cognitive Distortions that can cause negative thinking.

Jones, Mark (2011). Healing the Soul: Pluto, Uranus and the Lunar Nodes. Ravens Dreams Press: Portland, Oregon.

Dr. Edith Fiore (1991). You Have Been Here Before: A Psychologist Looks at Past Lives. Ballantine Books: New York City, New York.

Agni Yoga Books: References To Herbs, Flowers, Resins, Remedies. Posted on May 2, 2018 by Phillip Lindsay.

McLaren, Karla ( 2020) Embracing Anxiety : How to Access the Genius of This Vital Emotion. Sounds True: New York, USA.

McLaren, Karla (2010). Language of Emotions : What Your Feelings are Trying to Tell You. Sounds True: Louisville, CO, United States.

Mindfire Astrology: Sabian Symbols.

Naimain, Ingrid.  Esoteric Astrology & Healing I: Ingrid Naimain. The Monastic Moon: Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces

Newton, Michael PhD. ( 2008 ) Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives. Llewellyn Publications: Woodbury Minnesota, USA.